
7/13/2011 — Global Earthquake and Volcano overview — worldwide UPTICK continues

7/13/2011 -- Global Earthquake and Volcano overview -- worldwide UPTICK continues
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25 Responses to “7/13/2011 — Global Earthquake and Volcano overview — worldwide UPTICK continues”

  1. @MsWonderful79 it might beeeeee, Earth Quaken and drilling

  2. PLEASE WATCH! HAARP Project Bluebeam — it shows apparantly a USGS site that shows the depths of earthquakes, and states that in 2009, in one week, there were 200 earthquakes ALL AT THE SAME DEPTH.
    This seriously flipped my stomach. Is this still happening? Hundreds of quakes, all at the same depth???
    I hope someone can find this out. Thanks.

  3. Downloading program, thanks

  4. Thank you to the You Tube user that sent me the information ProtruckR

  5. so the mayan calender was right all the time was it?

  6. So what does it mean ? Move to higher ground but expect earthquakes ?

  7. If you live in New Zealand, they are downgrading all the Earthquakes to 3.0… ALL ones I see with 3D earthquake watch is all over 4.6-5.9 There has been over 12+ of them in the last few days.

  8. This man is very informative. Look for this news story – Indonesian volcano erupts twice in half an hour. Holy crap. He didn’t predict it but dam this happens after all those Indonesian earthquakes. :)

  9. @feastures well.. im not here to „prove’ anything.. just to show you current quakes.. if you want to know past numbers.. go look them up.. i can tell you.. „they“ don’t HAVE past numbers.. lol.. you have to literally somehow PULL all the quakes worldwide from all the different countries and add them up…

    LOL… the USGS says about 1,500,000 quakes a year.. i can tell you this.. according to the USGS this year added with the EMSC.. 2,500,000 or more already this year !!!

  10. What is seriously missing is any (objective) comparison with other periods. „I’ve been watching for quite some time and this is unusual.“ is no proof, and is not enough.

  11. Read a report that a drilling co. using the fracking process has been linked to some of the earthquakes in England. They are drilling right in the area of a fault! They stopped and the quakes stopped; then started drilling again and another quake occurred. Just what the world needs. Makes sense, though, since drilling causes much vibration of the earth. Make sense to anyone else?

  12. becasue there is a profecy that this earth is going to end with fire. thats why there are so many

  13. we are living in the last days!

  14. @Dutchsinse

    Why wouldn’t the USGS report earthquakes to earthquake 3d in the New Madrid Fault area? Hmmm…

  15. Are you suggesting that the earthquake can occur in Poland ??? 8:00

  16. @MsDebsta I know, huh
    1 me too, from dutchm& others…. wondered why it was so quiet, then knew I wasn’t getting them all, but I didn’t realize how many vid I get in 3 weeks time! I wonder why vids from so many were held back. & was it just us or everyone?

  17. Wow

  18. @estadiosUnidos74 Google „JapanQuakeMap“ and „USGS“ and start opening your mind.

  19. africa isnt really touched… hmmm

  20. Finally youtube are sending through every video en mass, I have received videos from 3 weeks ago, from every subscription. That’s a LOT!! lol

  21. google these


    There’s Japan.


    There’s Earth. Please open your eyes and pay attention…

  22. Luke 21:11 One of the signs to show our generation is living in the last days.

  23. 15 illuminattis watched this video… lol

  24. two 6.4 Alaskan peninsula two hours ago,
    I have watched the MSU helicorders for sometime,the swarm never stopped just reporting them.

  25. south sisters in oregon? been growin a bulg towards western oregon- eugene- for some time

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