
HTC ThunderBolt vs. HTC EVO 4G – Schmackdown! The HTC ThunderBolt and the HTC EVO 4G are both hot cell phones that can do 4G network speeds. With their big screens, front-facing cameras, kickstands and powerful internals, the ThunderBolt and EVO 4G are natural rivals – even if they have much in common. How do they compare when placed head-to-head in this Wirefly Schmackdown? For the best prices on the ThunderBolt and EVO 4G, visit
Video Rating: 4 / 5

25 Responses to “HTC ThunderBolt vs. HTC EVO 4G – Schmackdown!”

  1. @rwoody3 If you go to Wirefly’s site and scroll all the way down, there’s a link on the right for „Careers at Simplexity.“ Click on that and look around. We are located in the Washington, DC, area (Virginia and Maryland suburbs) and you would need to live in this area. It’s a good place to live, though… lots of jobs and activities.

    Bob at Wirefly

  2. Hey, Bob I was wondering I’m 22 and I’m looking for a job and I know A LOT about do yuo have any openings. If so please message. Thanks!

  3. ive got the thunderbolt and it is sooooooo much better than my friends evo

  4. thunderbolt is way way better

  5. ThunderBolt = VERY glitchy EVO.

  6. 4G LTE…not LTE 4G

  7. Verizon and htc thunderbolt both blow htc and verizon should own up to that piece of shit

  8. obviously the thunderbolt is better

  9. EVO 4G kills it

  10. the evo lost as soon as the dude said „imma wait till the evo catches up“

  11. That’s the first time I have ever seen the evo get owned

  12. Evo 4g is da best, bitchessss!!!!

  13. Two modems in the back of thunderbolt

  14. Bullshit HTC hd2 is the pioneer EVO is its little brother

  15. @BriPuRpLeSuGaRBanana i know right lol..i was like damn why is he slamming the phones down

  16. EVO is a pioneer, thunderbolt is just another HTC phone

    *Look at ThunderBolt*

  18. Thunderbolt !!!!!!!

  19. Evo all the way!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  20. Both fye

  21. @kuzeln verizon’s 4G is unlimited too just not on the iphone or tablets.

  22. My EVO goes vertical just fine

  23. The EVO looks much cooler

  24. The only thing I like about the EVO and it is more Sprint than it is HTC, is that your data usage becomes unlimited on sprint’s 4G in comparison to Verizon’s 4G

  25. @kenhanlon10 To be honest in terms of raw power i don’t think anyone is going to top motorola X series. But in the looks department HTC has it. I was going to get the Droid 2 but then i thought let me wait for the 3rd one, but then my job was getting on me with the whole „you dont have text and email on your phone“ lol. I’m not a fan of touch screen keyboard now the damn 3rd droid is out. The bionic looks pretty good too gets higher scores also.

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