
Strong earthquake hits India, Nepal and Tibet

More than 50 people have died in an earthquake that hit northeastern India, Nepal and Tibet. At least 100000 homes were damaged by the 6.9-magnitude earthquake, which happened on Sunday night. The earthquake struck near the border between India and Nepal and there have been reports of at least two powerful aftershocks. Many of the damaged villages are in remote areas which are now cut off from the outside world. Officials say that rain and landslides are making the search for survivors even more difficult. Across the border in Nepal, soldiers have been brought in to search for survivors, where the conditions are just as difficult as in India. Al Jazeera’s Victoria Gatenby reports.
Video Rating: 4 / 5

25 Responses to “Strong earthquake hits India, Nepal and Tibet”

  1. @buddybleau shhhh

  2. @RandyMoore97 Typical dumbass christian comment! Learn to spell!

  3. @TheEsotericDesi Those missionaries ruin cultures all over the world.

  4. @buddybleau shhhh shut up u suck ur retarded

  5. cool video

  6. @RandyMoore97 It doesn’t matter, all religion sucks!

  7. @buddybleau i aint christian

  8. @RandyMoore97 I hate arrogant fucking christians!

  9. @TheEsotericDesi People don’t realize that these crazy christian organizations destroy cultures everywhere they go.

  10. @RandyMoore97 it just jugement

  11. Its going get worst. get ready for some more!

  12. you are a typical arrogant christian cunt

  13. @RandyMoore97
    To punish Indians for what reason?
    And what about earthquakes in the USA? They are a «nation under God», so why would He punish them?
    And if He cares for us, why does He act like He does not care?
    BTW, Indians do not think cows are gods : they are sacred animals, probably because they give precious milk. Hindus think that God is multifaceted, and every deity (Shiva, Kali…) are facets of Him.

  14. @HalfFullYeah he is doing this because you know india they think cows are there gods and thats why god is punishing them idk if thats the reason ask god :P but maybe he just did that to punish them who knows

  15. @RandyMoore97
    Still, if God really cares for everyone, then why does He permit earthquakes and other disasters?
    You seem like a good person, so please do not think I’m mocking you, I just want to understand your logic.

  16. @RandyMoore97
    OK : if God cares for everyone, then why does He permit earthquakes?
    I see you are a good person, so please do not think I’m mocking you. I just want to understand your logic.

  17. @HalfFullYeah God Cares for everyone ..He is Powerful he can permit anything not only earthquakes …and yes u have the right to think and ask if ur not a believer

  18. @HalfFullYeah God Cares for everyone ..He is Powerful he can permit anything not only earthquakes …and yes u have the right to think and ask if ur not a believer

  19. @HalfFullYeah God Cares for everyone ..He is Powerful he can permit anything not only earthquakes …and yes u have the right to think and ask if ur not a believer

  20. People need to understand things are going to get a lot worse. California is due for a big catastrophe becasue the wickedness here has reached to high heaven!

    People need to get sheltered under God’s Salvation plan through Jesus Christ, before it’s too late. Don’t let death reach you before you repent and turn to Christ.

    God Bless

  21. This world is gonna collapse soon the end is near. Twenty Twelve is near. Remember the worst day 11/03/11?

  22. this is gods work he is mad that these people worship false gods god bless these people

  23. @nagygyurisirina

    Since I’m a good guy but I’m not a believer, does it mean that God does not care for me?
    And if He’s so powerful, why does He permit earthquakes?
    And since He gave me the faculty to think, why should I not question His motivations?
    Please answer in capital letters, I’m short-sighted. Thanks!

  24. @health4yoga4toronto
    HAARP my ass too!

  25. Financial Enemy of Greece, Ireland, Italy, Spain, Portugal, & America – Jew

    1. Goldman Sachs CEO, Lyold Blankfein – Jew

    2. IMF Deputy CEO, John Lisky - Jew

    3. Ex IMF CEO, Dominic Strauss -Jew

    4. World Bank CEO, Robert Zoellick – Jew

    5. Ex World Bank CEO, James Woolfesen -Jew

    6. Fed Chairman, Ben Bernanke -Jew

    7. Ex Fed Chairman, Alan Greenspan -Jew

    8. Obama Treasury Secretary, Timothy Geithner -Jew

    9. George Bush Treasury Secretary, Hank Paulson -Jew

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