
BLOOD MOON, Stars Falling GREAT EARTHQUAKE, and Strong winds tonight 5-7 pm west coast time
Video Rating: 3 / 5

sky news
Video Rating: 4 / 5

50 Responses to “BLOOD MOON, Stars Falling GREAT EARTHQUAKE, and Strong winds”

  1. well crap my kids are leaving to Salt Lake City Ut on the 10th not cool.

  2. you said that we will be able to see this on the west coast i think. well it seems it will be viewed best in asia and australia. rising in europe and setting in the northwest usa. last year’s winter solstice blood moon was seen here, but no go in my view, only a glimpse due to clouds. the middle east had an unusually long bull’s eye blood moon on june 15th. bull’s eye because it was centered on Jerusalem, as in bull’s eye. also had partial solar eclipses bookending, there seems to be a pattern.

  3. @angie7dino just checking out the wickepedia for the definition of a full lunar eclipse, and what i said is true. the moon passes behind the earth blocking it from light of the sun and then it is blood red moon. in gathering info found out that this eclipse will be seen best from asia and australia, your country. visited your channel. last year on dec 21 2010 there was a blood moon, and on june 15 there was a bull’s eye bld moon in the middle east centered on Jerusalem. pattern? yes!

  4. @angie7dino the moon turns red because it is in a full lunar eclipse. the moon will be full and because of the eclipse, from the moon being behind the earth and blocked from light of the sun it turns red. the reason Gd is involved is because he created everything as written in genesis chap 1. he placed the sun and moon and all the heavenly bodies in the cosmos and they are like a giant clock. an eclipse is a set time in time working for Gds glory imho.

  5. This doesn’t happen until the trib period so hes way off here

  6. @goscott4 NO! But presenting it like this sure is! Plus I wasn’t talking to you.

  7. I seen one the other day. It was breaking up in the sky, it was cool. I never seen anything like this.

  8. thanks for sharing! :D

  9. Good to see a video from you ive been missing them. thankyou! :D

  10. @HairyWoodhen The Holy Bible is crap?

  11. God is not making the moon red this December 10th, well maybe he is, but I view these kind of unusual signs, as previews to get skeptics and unbelievers warmed up to the real thing when it does happen, they are like previews, and these previews are not just the earthquakes and unusual weather, but the dying fish and foul everywhere, as well as the strange signs in the heavs which are also acting like previews from Comet Ellenin, and so forth, anyway that’s what I’m thinking these days

  12. more fear based crap for ya folks!

  13. Scriptures show that one will proceed the other.

  14. Matthew 24: 29 „Immediately after the distress of those days
    „‘the sun will be darkened,
    and the moon will not give its light;
    the stars will fall from the sky,
    The Great Tribulation happens then this celestial event in seal 6 and Matthew 24 is fulfilled.

    Also what is your scriptural evidence that you are sealing people?

  15. @Motoicon

    How do you know? C’mon….your taking all the fun out of this!

    Ron Paul 2012-

  16. So….. What if the ‘fake’ alien invasion ends up not being fake afterall……

    What if it’s a giant spaceship? Who would get on? What if ‘they’ just take people?

    It’s tempting to just stick it out here…..I’ll catch the next round.

  17. Hi look up symbolism of blood, and also RED the color. Also what a moon represents… you will find your answer to Blood Red Moon.
    Two things RED stands for is Love and Death. The color Red also has qualities to effect your mood like all colors… ;)

  18. winds were from cme a week or so ago…see skywatcher88

  19. yeah i heard last night on coast to coast that the wash. DC meteors were ufo’s go figure the guest, Robert—-? was a hype…thanks PSeer..

  20. this is all very exciting.

  21. sick of hearing people talk about the bible and how we’re on end times these people love to see destruction and to see others suffer. the truth of the matter is your all wackos with no life but a book full of lies man made to control. when will you wake up to how bad your getting fucked in the head. knowledge destroys fear( fear comes from the unknown)

  22. Quit confusing these events with the seals being opened. We are not even in the tribulation yet.

  23. @angie7dino Why does God want to kill everyone ?

  24. @angie7dino If this is the Moon becoming as Blood mentioned in Revelations, this COULD
    just be another sign of the end times.

  25. I saw one in united kingdomb

  26. JESUS CHRIST has all the authority in heaven and on earth. Seek Jesus Christ, seek salvation ! JESUS SAVES

  27. I was in that earthquake I was in were it started I was sleeping and the whe room started shaking

  28. 2012 !

  29. You heard people say- „it will never be found“, „it ain’t true“, „it just can’t be“.
    I’m here to tell you these People are WRONG- I found it. Using Google Earth –
    I found God’s Watermarks of the REAL Garden of Eden. Look at my Channel and see the Video I made of it. I didn’t point all of it out either- there are many things still hid for you to find. I even found 3 picture’s of God. Come see.

  30. America will go under water after a terrible earthquake.

  31. @IceStarburst123 Think Of Bein In Japan And Taking A Piss…

  32. @GrandInquisitor7 The homosexuals are the cause of my ingrown toenail, my yeast infection, the hairy mole on the end of my nose, and my web feet.

  33. lol huge? erm… I think they don’t get earthquakes often.

  34. In Soviet Russia we do not have earthquakes

  35. we just had a 4.2 earthquake


  37. Damit,Urahara…
    Did you have to use Bankai!

  38. i live in south carolina and our class felt it and the building was shakeing

  39. @RezViper completely plausible. i know what you’re trying to emphasize, but unless you’ve been here (yes, I have been to Virginia, back in 1995), you shouldn’t be so presumptuous about how the thought processes and experiences of people native to my state are. i speak from experience as well as empathy, and my opinion is based on my experiences. if this offends you, my apologies, but just as you do, i have every right to voice my own. you shouldn’t be bothered by something said on youtube anyway

  40. @sarahdanismith in case you didn’t notice, i just said exactly the same thing. and i’m sorry, but what you just said about ANYWHERE IN THE WORLD being susceptible to have damange from a quake as moderate as the one that hit us yesterday is almost completely untrue. it all depends on the composition of the soil and stability of the buildings constructed. earthquakes in the state of new mexico are EXTREMELY rare to non-existent. Virginia is pretty much in the same category. so your argument is not

  41. @RezViper Anywhere is the world is susceptible to have damage during an earthquake, some places have buildings that are build to withstand earthquakes of a moderate magnitude. Here in the D.C., Maryland, and Virginia area our buildings aren’t build to withstand earthquakes. My whole point of this conversation was that just because it may have not been a big deal for you it was a very big deal to us because magnitude 5.8 earthquakes are extremely rare for us, any earthquake is rare for us.

  42. @sarahdanismith you’re about half right with your geography there. new mexico is actually a part of the southwestern region of the united states. you also have a point about soil composition and effects. Pwaves and Swaves do have a higher rate of propagation due to the solidity of bedrock and tend to travel farther as their speed decreases very little. us, on the other hand, have softer sedimentary soil, and thus buildings here are more susceptible to the effects of actual shock.

  43. @RezViper Yes, would you like me to tell you what is around it. Lets see it is right next to Texas and Arizona, and Colorado is right above it. It is in the Western part of the United States, when I said it was on the west coast I didn’t mean it literally, New Mexico experiences the same types of earthquakes at the west coast meaning they are not felt over hundreds of miles like they are here so essentially our may feel a little different because of our soil and bedrock.

  44. @sarahdanismith omg really? do you even know where new mexico is?

  45. @RezViper Buildings here aren’t build to withstand earthquakes, if the earthquake would have lasted ten or fifteen more seconds we would have been in big trouble because it would have caused many injuries and maybe even deaths and a lot of damage. We are lucky it didn’t. Earthquakes on the east coast are very different from earthquakes on the west coast because of our soil, that is why it was felt all the way into Canada. While it may not have been a big deal to you, it was to us.

  46. @sarahdanismith don’t go saying stuff like that. we just had an earthquake here in new mexico and the only reason it was a big deal (which blew over in less than an hour) was because they don’t happen here either. still, 5.9 really is nothing to get all worked up about. now, if that were to have happened here, things would have been in an uproar cuz no building here is built to withstand a shock like that.

  47. @RezViper It was a huge earthquake for us, a earthquake of this size does not usually happen in this part of the country. This is the first earthquake that 98% of us have felt so while it may not be a big deal to you it was a big deal for us.

  48. @BurnoutFan9900 Just sayin :)

  49. @TrollExterminator232 well obiviously the east coast is not used to earthquakes unlike the west coast sits right on the San Andreas

  50. My last question for all you theoretical technicians is can [gaussian] „noise“ have major elastic spazoid properties and superflex or what?!?! If the ‘superflex’ exists is it really miss behaving or just spastic??? Does the technology exist or do these over-educated massive secret collecting deep earth base station having mofo’s know how to use a seismograph??? If so what can’t they predict??? I’m gonna write a poem now and you can’t read it…. hahaha!

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