
The boy with the Incredible brain…. Savant autism Clip 1

Part 1 of 2. Here is some selected clips from the British documentary on Savantism.
Video Rating: 4 / 5

25 Responses to “The boy with the Incredible brain…. Savant autism Clip 1”

  1. A kid in my school is just like this, he’s a genius. His autism seems more severe than this guy, but he’s like an encyclopedia. Still remember 7th grade we had this Geo-B, I got 3rd in it in the school, and I ended up losing to him and some other kid but he got 1st. He didn’t get 1 question wrong.

  2. the speaker must have been autistic with he’s S’s!!!

  3. lol baby You not gonna be bored with me

  4. @baxtermindymollymagg I am so sorry! I can’t believe I wrote this… I’m currently volunteering with autistic children, and understand now. I will remove this right now!

  5. @InGallifrey not funny at all . You should count your blessings you arent autistic

  6. hrm Tell me your fantasies and let’s make them a reality

  7. lool I am always in the mood for some fun and I never say NO

  8. @InGallifrey Let me know if you need the motivation…bat in hand.

  9. @Skeletonwitharaygun
    it was sunny in New York high 93 degrees Fahrenheit (34 degrees Celcius) nice!!!

  10. His wife should dress up in… numbers, for him to get interest.

  11. 240p…. We meet again ¬_¬

  12. hm I`m good looking babe, with great sense of humor

  13. 8:52 I believe that he is telling us how he’s seeing the world around him: through his artwork.

    Art is his voice.

  14. @REMIXme101 strike three

  15. @Entity005 =p

  16. @InGallifrey do not, as you know it’s impossible and make a sharp diamond out of soft pudding .. hehe just trolling

  17. @DireDowns I think he says fateful, I could be wrong though.

  18. youjizz

  19. 0.58 Funny how they call it a ‘fatal’blow. So what, it killed him did it?

  20. @marcelensanne haha that is his cousin :)

  21. is that ali g’s brother? (simon baron-cohen?)

  22. That guy’s „S’s“ sound like zippers

  23. In another interview Daniel said he has trouble walking on a beach because of his compulsion to count the grains of sand. In the beginning of this he’s walking on a beach looking calm. Orlando could well have actively memorized the weather and day of the week for each date. Think about it. If you committed the weather and date to memory every day, and spent 10 minutes a day reviewing it, you would surely remember as well. Maybe Orlando does it without conscious effort, but it’s not a miracle.

  24. ive been beamed in the head by a 85 mph fastball and i suck at math :[

  25. @mylovesofmylife wow ! are u a neonatalogist or something ?

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