
Slumdog Millionaire Film Clip – I Will Never Forgive You

A clip from upcoming movie Slumdog Millionaire, directed by Danny Boyle (Trainspotting, 28 Days Later). Now playing in theaters everywhere!
Video Rating: 4 / 5

click here for Stereo version: MIA
Video Rating: 4 / 5

50 Responses to “Slumdog Millionaire Film Clip – I Will Never Forgive You”

  1. See thisfilm at, there is a full version… enjoy!

  2. Hurry and go to see this in full length just at!

  3. Super excited! Found this exclusive film at today…

  4. You have to check this film at Awsome experiance without paying! really nice story!

  5. Fantastic, thoroughly enjoyed it…And the plot wasn’t thin at all like it usualy is at this tipe of movies… enyoj it on like I did

  6. I just saw this movie on and I loved everything about it. Go see it instead of those crappy rom com that are all the same…

  7. There are moments of humour and the film is far from depressing and certainly doesn’t drag. Human interest (love story etc) strong…. Lots of action and certainly worth seeing…. get the action rolling on it’s free

  8. Hysterically funny! I can’t remember when I’ve laughed so much at a movie. Wonderful cast…. one of the best movies this summer …go check it out on free movie database

  9. This is one of those few movies with en ensemble which is truly an all star cast working to the best of their powers namely because actors like this one were not that well known at the time they were working on this film and took advantage of their opportunity at fame. I am impressed. You can finish watching it at look4movie!

  10. I saw this movie last night at look4movie and it was actually the best night ever, and all that for free! It was so easy to watch, the story is totally easygoing and the best one for go away from everything bad that happened to you that day. See it now!

  11. press 6 to see a falcon punch

  12. 0:34 best scene from movie…

  13. Entertainment movie! The result of watching this is a step toward multiculturalism and ecological correctness, though not without a certain amount of confusion. No mistake in acting, everything perfectly pictured. I truly recommend this. Watch this at! It is free

  14. SO it has become clearly obvious to me by being on Facebook, YouTube and any other social site that pretty much everyone believes that their opinion is the most important opinion in the world…LET IT GO. we all have different opinions. some people hate the film some LOVED it like me. I saw it at today.

  15. Im a fan of the A’s but it is not my team, but I want to see this movie and this looks promising, so im going to watch this when it comes out on This could possibly the best movie ever made ever.

  16. I agree. Reviews mean absolutly nothing because they are based on OTHER people’s opinions. I stopped listening to what critics say about movies. You can usually tell whether you will enjoy the movie or not based on your personal references. Find on and enjoy it.

  17. I just saw this film today on Pretty good :) worth watching :D LOVED this film so incredibly much! must see story and amazing special FX :) <3

  18. This movie is awesome! I never listen to critics because most of them don’t know what they’re talking about. I have never seen fight scenes so perfectly choreographed as the ones in this movie! And there is a strong plot, it just takes some open-mindedness to understand it. See it on now!

  19. You watched a 2 minute trailer and you have somehow garnered from that the plot and then passed judgement on western society. This film looks incredibly kickass.So go to and watch it now.

  20. Thiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiis was the bomb diggity, Just went and saw it, First film that i’ve been impressed with lately, Battle: LA was the last film I saw totally bombed shit film, This is what people should be watching. Awesome Storyline, Awesome Music. See it on now.

  21. Jamal is hot! <3

  22. Story line was not that complex, but over all I do believe that the film was worth the time to go watch it on You gonna be satisfied.

  23. bruno will you catch this fist for me??


  25. i feels so satisfied seeing him get socked after what he did I would be pissed!

  26. ja werevetumorro fue el que me hizo escuchar esta rola XD

  27. this song slap! when i 1st see it :D

  28. 2:37 <3

  29. all i wanna do is „bang bang bang bang…gonna say your’re my name“ …..That’s say your’ere my name!“

  30. this is now my soundtrack =D

  31. @TheThespeculator :)

  32. @Bodilijan well yeah whatever

  33. Oh gosh! I love this song! It would be even more awesome with a video though

  34. @TheThespeculator Fail.

  35. please watch A. R. Rahman – Instrumental Music – Taj Mahal………


  36. Thes movie is one of the gr8est not only becouse of story line, the gr8 thing about the movie is how its shows really black and heat braking story in bright colors.

  37. @MrBabylouise2
    If you trust in awards, I have to say the same thing about you men.
    That’s just an exotic succes story… 5/10, not really more =)

  38. @Zarakai76 That That totally explains why the movie so many awards. But yeah I’ll trust some ignorant kid on youtube.

  39. This music Roxx
    But the movie suxx -_-

  40. The Movie Is Written By God.
    The Soundtrack Is Composed By Jesus.

  41. ถ้าแม่คุณตายเพราะพระศิวะ คุณจะจำได้ว่ามือขวาพระศิวะเธออาวุธอะไร เพราะ „คำตอบสุดท้ายอยู่ที่หัวใจ“

  42. Thumbs up for no fucking reason

  43. Sampling The Clash!

  44. sa sa sa sa mamada xD @werevertumorro xD

  45. @Friender987

    it’s foreign to you maybe

  46. por werevertumorro

  47. „oyesamamada“
    guau, que gracioso. si si, ja ja ja (sarcasmo)
    no saben ni qué puta dice la canción -.-

  48. Esaa musica é muito linda !

  49. ╭∩╮(︶︿︶)╭∩╮ all the terrorist and Mexican! we took over this shit!


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