
It Gets Better: Ke$ha

Video Rating: 4 / 5

25 Responses to “It Gets Better: Ke$ha”

  1. I <3 KE$HA :)

  2. Not a fan of Kesha but she does leave a good and heartfelt message that makes me respect her.

  3. love is the answer

    people can change

    there’s a better way

  4. look how many videos it takes to try to convince people that homosexuality is ‘okay’.

    people just aren’t buying the PC propaganda

  5. Amazing message :) I wish there were people to tell me this when i was younger and going through everything it would have helped so much. glad to see that kids that were my age and even people who are older that are going through those things have some one to tell them it gets better and from experiance i know that it does u just have to trust that it will and keep your helo held high

  6. wow, ive found a new respect for kesha


  8. …Is that a Judas Priest shirt?

  9. ayo yolo all day my nigga

  10. that made me cry!!!!! <3 thx for the support

  11. my favorite part „however you are choosing to live is beautiful.“ So true.

    kesha, YOU are beautiful and I love you!!!

  12. it WILL get better…when you stop being so damn gay

  13. didn’t she just say „choosing to live“ meaning being gay is life choice…. confused?

  14. @sarasaum i dont know who you are but dont give up. i dont know if your joking but please, please, dont give up.

  15. This is so true!

  16. I swear, the people posting hate on this video need to just get a life. YES this is Kesha, which is why its on HER channel. Also yes she is a very sweet and caring person! and people are FAR too quick to judge her. This video has an amazing message and its obviously coming from the heart, and I agree with it 100%. I love you Ke$ha. <3

  17. @thecamillev Yep <3

  18. please don’t mark this as spam, it’s important!

    in russia, people want to make it a crime to make speaking your mind about homosexuality and writing literature on it a crime! there’s not much time left to stop this horrible law; to sign a petition against it, please go to the video,

    A Message From Polina in St. Petersburg

    america’s not the only country who has some growing up to do. all lgbt citizens are in this together, EVERYWHERE. please help support our allies in russia. thank you.

  19. Kesha, I love you
    Thanks you <3

  20. „its gonna get better“ yea when im gone

  21. is that really Ke$ha?

  22. Love your t-shirt, gorgeous!

  23. Can’t say I like her music, but that was really cool.

  24. @NOAH19193 trust me, kesha, and adam lambert… it will get better soon.! :) i believe in you.!

  25. i dont get it. alot of people gave adam lambert’s it gets better shit, and this one gets really nice ones…
    well im giving this vid a nice one cuz i love kesha. kesha, you rock <3
    (btw, i gave adam lamberts a beautifully nice one so yeah <3)
    Kesha and Adam Lambert are both TALENTED singers.
    It does get bettter. it has a little bit so far for me :)

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