
Slumdog Millionaire Film Clip – My Name Is Latika

A clip from upcoming movie Slumdog Millionaire, directed by Danny Boyle (Trainspotting, 28 Days Later). Now playing in theaters everywhere!
Video Rating: 4 / 5

Well, it won 8 Oscars! …and sampling Slumdog Millionaire for its vibrant sounds and images, and reworking them into an audiovisual remix, Addictive TV were asked by Pathé, the film’s Worldwide distributors, to give Slumdog Millionaire their unique treatment. Danny Boyle’s film, which has now won 4 Golden Globes, 7 BAFTAs and 8 Oscars, has taken the world by storm. Slumdog Millionaire tells the story of a kid from the slums of Mumbai who gets to go on India’s „Who Wants to be a Millionaire?“ To see the higher quality video, click on the words under the player window (if you have them on your Youtube version) where it says „watch in high quality“.
Video Rating: 4 / 5

50 Responses to “Slumdog Millionaire Film Clip – My Name Is Latika”

  1. the funny thing is that there was never a character in the book named Latika :P

  2. Is really good story! You can find full movie at I have watched movie yesterday!

  3. This movie is great! seriously it is. i just watched it online at

  4. Great movie, I woud like to watch it again on,it is free…!

  5. Search all the latest hit films at and enjoy!

  6. Let me say it straight up this film rocks! I saw it online at and I enjoyed!

  7. Fuck!!!!! And the people whom posted them!!!!!!

  8. I find this movie to be racist towards Indians

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  10. Magnificent movie!! It is great project from all the production who worked on it. I think things changed in has not predictable plot, totaly not convincing acting and stupid jokes…it has something totaly different. I won’t tell you everything because I will destroy the surprise…so go to look4movie and see it!

  11. „What was the name of the TUUUURD musketeer“

  12. Damn, I just realized the host is the same dude who played President Hassan in 24 season 8.

  13. Oh the tension…

  14. Just saw this film yesterday on… I thought it was going to be more of an action film. But it’s more of a drama/action. It can be confusing at some parts but other than that it was great. My rating it 4 out of 5 stars.

  15. whats with all the spam

  16. But I can say I always have and always will love the theme of these movies on When it’s your time to go, it’s your time to go and there’s no escaping it. Fate, not coincidence.

  17. It was but I guess that movie made a lot of fans and so they decided to make another one. But I wouldnt want them to stop making these movies because this series is cool! I have seen it at already…

  18. are u nervous?

  19. This movie is perfect!!! I Just saw it on The bridge accident was amazing, with crazy effects. You all need to watch this movie NOW! I went to see it. It is the best one so far. Loved the ending:)


  21. „Hello“ gives me goosebumps every time.

  22. la cara de él cuando vuelve a escuchar la voz de Latika! que hermosa película y que linda historia de amor!

  23. pretty sure that shit aint live….

  24. no we will never visit

  25. Amazing film !

  26. The editing tot his is Mint

  27. saw them recently in tunisia .. fucking insane …

  28. whoa O_0 GREAT

  29. FREE DOWNLOAD “ SLUMDOG MILLIONAIRE” DEAD SPACE 2011, THE GREEN HORNET, SEASON OF THE WITCH, and many more NEW Hollywood Releases IN VERY FINE QUALITY, Games Softwares at one place only at RIPPBAY.COM


  30. SLUMDOG FANS SHOULD SEARCH & WATCH: „thesketchbank trailer Slumdog Millionaire“

  31. SLUMDOG FANS SHOULD SEARCH & WATCH: „thesketchbank trailer Slumdog Millionaire“

  32. 31/07 sfinks festival

  33. good work!

  34. Great great and really great!

    Completely original! :)

  35. Genius work here. Subscribing for sure!

  36. The film is alive with vibrant colors and strange sights, the best movie of 2008….I found this movie streaming with great quality at
    EasyMediaClick (dot) com

  37. what program did you use to make the music video??

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  38. No thats so special about the movie,
    the characters arent actors. but just kids/people picked from street. (yes maybe a few people are actors) but all the kids u saw from little to older were all from the streets.

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  40. love ur work

  41. This is nice!!

  42. i like it :)

  43. its good … i like it

  44. Sick remix! lov it!
    Anwar from skins :) lolz

  45. I agree it`s so awesome!!!!!

  46. Oi thanks for recomending this.. I’m definately gonna subscribe now! (lol, that way you dont hav to tell me whenever you ge ta new vid)… Thnx.. P.s: AWESOME! again…

  47. Wow.Cool!

  48. wow i love this lol

  49. LOL GREAT!!!!!!

  50. Yeah ,,, Thats rly Cool

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